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Stowford School

Stowford School


Welcome to Year 3 with Mrs Chester and Mrs Loughran

Summer Term

Welcome to Swallows Class! We have a very exciting half-term ahead of us.

This is what we will be learning about in each subject in the summer term:

In English, we will be reading The Magicians Nephew by C S Lewis. We will look at summarising and exploring. We will consider how authors use words for emotive effect. We will learn how different texts use the same effect to impact on the reader.  

In our writing we will be looking at a historical narrative using dialogue, poetry on a theme and instructional writing. 

In Maths, we will be exploring shape and statistics.   

In Science, we will be looking at Rocks. Children will be able to compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties, describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock and recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. 

Through the History curriculum, we will be looking at the Ancient Greeks as well as Alexander the Great through an investigative approach. Children will learn to develop their historical enquiry skills and explore the impact of certain moments in time on the rest of the world.

In our Geography lessons, we will be looking at climates and biomes as well as volcanoes and we will look at how these two impact on people living in these places or close to. Children will use new and existing geographical skills in order to investigate the important of these two topics.

In Religious Education lessons we will learn about Judaism. 

PSHE is also an integral part of our working week and we have a dedicated weekly lesson where we explore the personal, social and emotional aspects of the lives of young people living in our modern world.

The children will learn be doing food and nutrition in DT.

French is taught every Wednesday afternoon covering a wide range of French grammar and vocabulary. 

Throughout the year, one PE session will be taught by Mrs Kee. Our PE days will be Wednesday and Friday, please send your child to school in PE kit. 

We are looking forward to a busy and exciting summer term. As ever, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask anyone in our Year 3 team.

Mrs Chester and Mrs Loughran