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Stowford School

Stowford School



Welcome to Kestrels with Mrs Kandes and Mrs Ocean.

This term we will:

This term, we will:

Write stories that focus on using dialogue, write a balanced argument, and study poems that explore form in English.

In Maths, we will learn about decimal numbers, negative numbers, converting units of measurement and volume.

Our Music lessons will be a Charanga unit based around the Bon Jovi song Livin' on a Prayer. These lessons will include listening to different examples of rock music and playing percussion instruments.

In DT, we will learn about and make freestanding structures.

We will learn about climates and biomes during Geography lessons.

In History lessons, we will study Alexander the Great.

The children will learn and combine collage and appliqué techniques in our Art lessons.

In Science, we will learn about the stages of the human lifecycle, including puberty.

Children will have a PE lesson on a Monday afternoon with Mr. Vear and a lesson on a Wednesday afternoon with Ms. Kee.

In Religious Education lessons, we will learn about Hindu traditions and the beliefs behind them.

On a Monday afternoon, the children will continue with French lessons focusing on phonics, vocabulary and grammar with Mrs Kandes.

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.