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Stowford School

Stowford School


Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy

Stowford has an agreed Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy which is followed by all members of staff and children (see link below).

At Stowford School we believe that children will strive to reach high standards of behaviour.  Low expectations will elicit low standards of behaviour.  Therefore we endeavour to maintain high expectations through a consistent and positive behaviour management policy.  We wish to ensure a happy and caring community, which encourages respect for others’ feelings, beliefs and possessions, within a stable and caring environment.  We understand that such a community needs a structure to support acceptable and agreed forms of behaviour.  We implement a positive behaviour management system in which all adults within the school consistently model the desired standard of behaviour.  We expect the onus of the children’s behaviour to be on them and so give them every opportunity to be involved in managing their own behaviour.  We encourage children to consider their rights and the rights of others.  With these rights come responsibilities.  To encourage respect and responsibility, children are encouraged from Foundation to Year 6 to have responsibilities around the class and, especially in Year 6, around the school.  Our behaviour management policy is structured so that those children who meet the required standards of behaviour will automatically receive the reward.  

Exclusion Arrangements

For persistent poor behaviour, or one-off serious incidents, exclusion arrangements will be discussed and/or implemented.  These can take the form of lunchtime exclusions, fixed term exclusions or permanent exclusions.

Where a child has an Individual Behaviour Care Plan (which has been agreed by a member of senior staff in consultation with the child’s parents), this will be consistently implemented - with appropriate rewards and sanctions.  Advice from the Behaviour Support Team may be requested if the Plan fails to promote desired behaviours, exclusions will be discussed and/or implemented.

For further information regarding exclusion please see:

Education Inclusion Service - Education and Families (