New Year at Stowford
Exciting times for the New Year at Stowford School
Stowford is looking forward to a very busy term ahead with lots of exciting events planned throughout the Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. All classes in the school will be practising a class dance routine which will be part of the whole school Dance Show, scheduled for later in the Spring term. The Foundation Classes have begun their topic called ‘Once Upon A Rhyme’. This topic will include a special day of dressing up as a story character or a nursery rhyme character, as well as baking Gingerbread Man biscuits and writing their own stories. The children have just finished helping to make a dis-play in picture frames for the school reception area which looks beautiful.
Year 1 will be finding out about their ‘Senses’ and exploring more about how their bodies work. Mr Roberts of Year 1 says “we can’t wait to do all the different science experiments that go so well with this topic, especially tasting a range of foods’. In Year 2 the children will be working on a topic titled ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ where they will learn all about Antartica and Penguins. Their science investigations will include making ‘blubber’ to help explore how animals adapt to their environments. The children will also be writing stories based on the adventures of Pingu. Year 3 will be learning about Ancient Rome and the Invasion of Britain. They will also be looking forward to dressing up as Romans as well as a visit from a storyteller ‘Steve Manning’.
Year 4 will be doing lots of History and Geography work linked to the topic of Invaders & Settlers. Year 5 will be learning about the culture and history of China. In their STEM lessons they will be designing and making kites as well as showing other year groups how to make kites. The children are looking forward to having some fun kite flying sessions to help evaluate their designs! And finally, Year 6 are going to be learning all about the Blitz during their World War 2 topic. Mr Jackson of Hawks Class says “I think a highlight of our topic will be discussing the camaraderie and ‘British Spirit’ of those times and how the people pulled together”.