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Stowford School

Stowford School



Welcome to the Wrens


This term our topic is called 'On Safari: Africa'.

For Wrens, PE is on a Wednesday and a Thursday; so please can you ensure that children arrive at school dressed in PE kit (shorts/joggers, trainers and a polo/t-shirt) every PE day.

During this topic, the children will be learning all about life in Africa, with particular focus on the habitats and animals you can find across the continent. We will be enjoying a range of creative activities based upon African patterns and animal prints.  In PSHE and RE, we will be looking at transitions and change with particular focus on moving on and growing up; we hope to prepare our lovely foundation children for their new year group as much as possible before the summer holidays.

Handa's Surprise


The children will read stories for this topic which include; Handa's Surprise, Anansi and the Golden Pot and Mrs Noah's Garden.

We will be continuing our phonics learning with the Little Wandle: Letters and Sounds Revised phonics programme. We have completed learning ALL of our phase 3 phonemes (sounds) and will be applying our decoding skills in longer words. For guidance on pronunciation of the phonemes (sounds) please use this link:

Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised - Grapheme  Chart for Reception: Phases 2 and 3 For Year Reception | Badger Learning

In Maths, we are exploring number, looking at sharing, doubling and halving.

We look forward to sharing some more photographs with you soon on our Wrens Class dojo page and welcome any questions that you have. We are always available at the gate after school and in the mornings and can be messaged via Class dojo messenger if there is anything you need help with.         

 If you have any concerns or worries, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Dove.

Best wishes,

Mrs Lamerton and Mrs Dove


Home Learning Resource Links - Foundation

For foundation curriculum support:

For interactive maths and English games: (lots are tablet-friendly)