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Stowford School

Stowford School


Welcome to Linnets Class!

Our teacher is Mrs Tickner, and we are supported brilliantly by Mrs Lannin every day. Miss Kee will teach on  a Wednesday morning for PE.

This term… 

Welcome to the second half of the summer term.

In English, we will be reviewing how to form sentences correctly before moving on to writing poems and instructions. Throughout all of our English learning, we will be using our phonics to spell, focussing on letter formation, finger spaces and capital letters. We have three key texts for this term; ‘The Lion Inside Me’, 'The Hare and the Tortoise' and ‘The Proudest Blue’, as well as many other daily books that we share.

In maths, we will be learning about geometry and position and place value (within 100). We will then move on to learning about money and telling the time. 

In science, we will be revisiting our learning from earlier terms to recall our knowledge of animals and plants. We will identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees and look at the structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.

In history, we will be learning about events beyond living memory. We will learn about Queen Victoria and how Victorian houses have changed over time. 

In geography, we will deepen our prior learning about the 7 continents of the world, the 5 oceans of the world and where the 4 countries and capital cities of the UK are.

In PSHE, our unit of learning is ‘Changing Me'. We will be learning about life cycles, our changing bodies, boys' and girls' bodies and coping with changes that happen in our lives.

During PE lessons, we will continue to follow the ‘Real PE’ programme with a unit on Fitness – developing and applying our ball chasing and floor work balance - and Miss Kee will also be teaching her weekly lessons. 

In DT, we will finish our learning about using different textiles and create a hand warmer that we will sew.

In art this half-term, we will look at Castle and Sun by Paul Klee. We will learn about using collage techniques to create a layered surface for our artwork. 

Don't forget to regularly check our Class Dojo page to see what we get up to in Linnets Class! 

Reading Free ebooks for children.

For maths support: (lots are tablet-friendly) (This is the maths scheme we use in class. There are activities you can download and videos to watch).